Spring 2018

We are thrilled to be ushering in another busy season here on the homestead! Within the next few weeks we'll be getting busy filling soil trays and sprinkling seeds into them. We'll be gathering our sap supplies and planning which trees to tap, and we'll prepare the high tunnel for early spring plantings. The chickens will (hopefully!! finally!) begin laying eggs in abundance and we will welcome another round of fluffy yellow chicks. Our traveling guests have already begun booking, and we are delighted to meet new faces and visit with returning ones.

As the snows melt, we'll sleep each night with the sounds of spring coming alive: dripping, trickling, peeping. I miss the days when the kids looked forward to the mud and the melt in a toddler kind of way-- but I know that we all appreciate the thaw and are awed by it nevertheless.

We have a few changes this year: Shawn has gone to work full time off the homestead, so you'll be seeing less of him during working    hours. Molly has several courses that she'll be working through during high season-- primarily in the field of energy medicine, so you may miss her depending on the timing of your visit. We are excited to let you know that our daughters, Maizey (14) and Ella (12) will be more visible on the farm. We're also likely hosting an apprentice from UMaine. We'll keep you posted. As always, reach out if you need any veggies, eggs, medicine, meats, or lodging! We look forward to another great season.